Wk 14 – Artist Conversation – Micol Hebron

Artist: Micol Hebron
Media: Feminist movement
Website: micholhebron.com
Instagram: unicornkiller1

Micol Hebron is an “an interdisciplinary artist whose practice includes studio work, curating, writing, social media, crowd-sourcing, teaching, public-speaking, and both individual and collaborative projects” from her website bio. She is heavily involved in Feminist movements for a good cause and for those who don’t have a voice.

Micol Hebron’s art is really creative and natural. She creates art through pictures expressing her gender equity beliefs. It is a bit disturbing at first because in all honesty, It is something you don’t expect unless you know the story behind it. She rarely includes painting, drawing, sculptures, etc. but work is based in social media, performance, video, digital media, social interaction, happenings, and the construction of platforms for anyone to reach out to her and nowadays everyone uses social media, so her art work impacts these kinda of platforms a lot easier and effectively.

Herbons ideas are quite relatable with mine. One idea she has that I agree with a lot is that women should be allowed to express themselves how ever they want. If they want to be topless, they can just like men are topless and do not receive hate for showing their nipples. Both men and women have nipples, we are humans with different bodies but the closely the same parts. We all have legs, arms, and a head. There shouldn’t be any action taken against women for showing their nipples in contrast to men showing their nipples. Her art work is very direct and shows a type of resilient in continuously pushing the movement for “free the nipple”.

I like her artwork a lot and the meaning behind it as well. I believe women shouldn’t be put down because they want to have a voice and express themselves in a different and unique way. Women are powerful and so are men, with the same equality everything will be perfect. Unfortunately the world does not work that way, we can only do so much before society will come reign terror for something they don’t agree with. That is why I believe her artwork is powerful, no matter how many times the pictures of Hebron, being topless, were taken down, she continued to upload the same pictures but following social media guidelines. There is always a way around things and due to that, women have found ways to effectively have their voice heard.

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